Thursday, December 13, 2012

65 Days NICU Free!

I know I have mentioned this before, but my daughter Emory was born at 24 weeks. She spent 96 days in the NICU. She came home on oxygen and remained on it for 10 months.

Everyday I spend on bed rest, and remain pregnant, I know I am preventing our baby boy from spending that day in the NICU. I have now been on bed rest for 65 days. To me that means, 65 days NICU free for baby boy Oakey. Although I have felt plenty of guilt with this pregnancy, I always feel better knowing that my bed rest efforts are keeping my boy from a long and unpleasant stay in the NICU. This idea makes my hospital stay SO much more doable.

On Wednesday I turned 33 weeks. My belly is getting nice and big!

Unfortunately I have been experiencing nightly contractions again. They are only about 10 minutes apart and are not super painful, but they keep me quite uncomfortable.

My hospital diet has been a little painful. After eduring the food for the last 9 weeks, I can only stand to eat salads now. I eat the same salad twice a day. Today my friend Megan brought me these delicious cookies from Trader Joes. I may have eaten half the box already!

Zack leaves tomorrow morning and won't be back until next Wednesday. I get super bummed when he leaves. Thankfully it will be the last trip until after the holidays. As for the positive,  I am trying to focus on that fact that I get discharged on awesome is that?


  1. Such exciting news!! Keep up that positive attitude :)

  2. I liked the hospital food setup with my last baby. They had a menu you ordered from whenever you wanted it, and there was lots of variety. I hope you can get some good food soon.

    Congrats on 65 days NICU free! Here's hoping for many many more.

    1. I thought the same thing for the first week or so...but trust me, 9 weeks in and you might just change your mind. Plus, it all comes with a plastic lid to keep it hot. The lid makes me want to vomit! Luckily I will get to eat some home cooked food soon!

  3. You've done an amazing job keeping that little guy safe! Now I just can't wait to come visit and snuggle him! Hope he stays in for another few weeks while you relax AT HOME!

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